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A Great Year For Bible Bowl

Our Bible Bowl team has had a very busy year!  We meet weekly for practices on Wednesday evenings and have practice quizzes, four or five times a year.  We started studying the book of Matthew, in the fall of 2004.  After numerous practice quizzes during the year, we were able to place first at the District finals in April 2005, and also at the Area finals in May.  In July, we headed to Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada, to Bethany Bible College for the National Competition.  After some great competition, we were able to place 2nd in the nation.  Our team of teens was a great representation of our church, and district, but, more importantly, of God!  We were also able to enjoy a few days of fun in Maine, as a team!
2006 District WBB Champs
In the fall of 2006, we started studying the books of Romans and James.  We have had numerous practice quizzes, and were again able to place first at the District quiz, on March 25, 2006.  On May 19-20, 2006, we will be heading to Houghton College for the Northeast Area competition.
We are very proud of the teens that commit their time and talents to studying God’s Word, and feel that no matter how well they quiz, they will be blessed for their efforts throughout their lives!

Lesley Seibert

Added: 4/9/2006 9:30:09 AM
By: admin@innerstate180.com

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