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The Kendall's new baby

We are pleased to introduce...
Zack John Kendall
Erin and I are pleased to introduce the latest member of the Kendall family, Zack John Kendall.  Zack was born at 3:47pm on May 31st, 2007, at Evangelical Community Hospital in Lewisburg, PA.  Zack weighed 8 lbs and 4 ounces and was 19 inches long/tall.  We thank God for this healthy baby boy and a safe delivery.  We are also thankful for all of your prayers and encouragement. 
Enjoy the pictures and video!
Pastor Scott
(Hey relatives! You can email us for larger images...)
Moments after delivery...
Zack after his first bath...
Zack and Mommy...
Zack and Daddy...
Zack and Seth...
Zack and Megan...
Another pic of Zack and his big sister...
Seth, Megan, and Zack...
Zack and his other BIG sister, Katelyn...
Katelyn feeding Zack...
Zack and his "Aunt Lori"...
Zack and our good friend Dave...
Zack and our good friend Adrienne...
Zack and our good friend Kathy...
Zack and the midwife, Arlie...

Some Fun Facts...

  • Zack has a lot of hair, and it looks like it may be light brown and curly?!?!
  • Zack opened his big dark eyes often during his first moments...
  • All of the guys in Pastor Scott's family have the same middle name (for several generations)...
  • Zack was the largest baby born to the Kendall's...
  • Our good friend Kathy Caputo got to cut the embilical chord this time...
  • Pastor Scott and Erin changed their name choice to Zack that morning...
  • If Zack had been a girl, they planned to name him Miranda Nicole...
  • Zack shares the same birthday as Erin's mother, who is looking down with great joy...
  • Erin's due date was not until June 13th, when Zack would have been HUGE...
  • The midwife that delivered Zack shares the same name as our senior pastor...
  • Pastor Scott, Erin, and Seth all wanted a boy...
  • Megan and Katelyn wanted a girl, but they have been converted now that Zack is here...
  • Erin and a select few friends knew the gender of the baby...
  • Everyone kept it a secret for Pastor Scott...
  • Even the midwife tried to confuse Pastor Scott by referring to Zack as "her" and "she" during the delivery...
  • With 4 children, Pastor Scott had to finally get the dreaded "minivan"...


Added: 5/31/2007 11:26:41 PM
By: admin@innerstate180.com

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