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Education Secretary takes stand for your family

Education Secretary takes stand for your family; bombarded by homosexual activists

To view Dr. Wildmon's 45-second introductory video, click here.

Dear Thomas,

Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, in her first day on the job, told Public Broadcasting System officials that a cartoon promoting the homosexual lifestyle should not be broadcast on their tax-supported stations.

She said that many parents would not want their children exposed to the homosexual lifestyle.

A spokesman for PBS said that the government-funded network had agreed not to air the cartoon.  "Postcards From Buster" shows the title character, an animated bunny, on a trip to Vermont, a state that recognizes homosexual civil unions.  The episode included two lesbian couples.

Spellings told PBS (1) that her department's seal or any statement linking the department to the show be removed, (2) that PBS notify its member stations the nature of the show, and (3) that a refund "in the interest of avoiding embroiling the Ready-to-Learn program in a controversy that will only hurt it."

PBS, unlike other non-commercial stations, receives hundreds of millions of tax dollars.  Other non-commercial stations depend on their listeners for financial support.  PBS's viewing audience is basically affluent and well educated, but give only a small amount to support PBS.

Secretary Spellings has been ridiculed in the media and bombarded by the homosexual community because of her stand.  The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest homosexual activist organization, blasted Spellings for criticizing the episode.

HRC's Winnie Stachelberg said, "The secretary's first act in office denies children an education about the diversity of American families.  Teaching children about respect for differences promotes tolerance of their fellow human beings."

The homosexual community has long used PBS and public schools to promote their agenda.

Please send a thank you to Secretary Spellings for her bold stand.  Homosexuals are using their public attack on Secretary Spellings to keep her from taking similar actions in the future and to scare others from following her lead.  We must not let that happen.


Thanks for caring enough to stand up for your children and grandchildren.



Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

Added: 2/2/2005 1:07:18 PM
By: admin@innerstate180.com

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