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Saturday, August 31, 2024  

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The Word Search

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from www.BibleGateway.com

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What is The Daily Charge?

Just like high performance racing machines, we all need constant recharging.  Reading through God’s Word and meditating on it daily can give you that extra boost you need to get through the race before you.  This devotional program was designed to take your devotions to the next level.  It takes a very manageable pace through the entire Bible and provides several additional resources to help make your devotional time even more significant.
“For everything that was written in the past
was written to teach us, so that through endurance
and the encouragement of the Scriptures
we might have hope.”
- Romans 15:4

How to use this program:

Step 1: Start your devotional time each day asking God to reveal His message to you.
Step 2: Read through the passages of Scripture for that day.
Step 3: Spend a couple of minutes after each day's readings to silently reflect on the Word and allow God to speak to you.
Step 4: Email any questions that you have concerning the week's readings to:  pastorscott@cwcmilton.org
Step 5: Watch the discussion videos to get some fresh perspectives on some of the passages you have read.

Other Details:

  • This devotional program is designed to take you through the entire bible in 3 years.
  • Each week you will read passages from the OT, NT, Psalms, and Proverbs.
  • The Small Group Questions and Discussion Video Topics will be uploaded each Friday for your preparation.
  • The Devotional Discussion Video is intended to be used along with this reading plan.
  • Contact Pastor Scott if you would like to participate in the discussion videos.
  • A paper copy of this reading plan can be obtained at the I-180 small group meetings.
  • Your small group will work through some questions pertaining to the readings for that week.
  • Here's an online Bible:  biblegateway.com


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