Each week the notes and materials referenced in the message will be posted here.
Week #1 - September 26
Archeology & Dating the Bible
How do we know when the Bible was actually written?

Fact: Following the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, we now have undeniable proof of every book in the Old Testament (except for Esther) being written at least 100 years before the birth of Christ. We also have over 500 copies of the New Testament books copied within 100 years of the original authorship.
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Week #2 - October 3
Other Ancient Documents & Writings
How do we know the Bible is accurate?

Fact: There are several respected historians, like Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus (who were not followers of early Christianity), that documented the same places, people, and events that are described in the Bible. This gives great credibility to the accuracy of the Bible as a historical record.
* Download the complete set of notes (.doc)
Week #3 - October 10 & 24
Prophecy Fulfillment & Truth
How do we know the Bible is true(th)?

Fact: The Messianic Prophesies, written more than 100 years before the birth of Christ, contain 60 major prophecies and over 270 ramifications that were all fulfilled in one person, Jesus Christ. With plenty of extra-biblical sources documenting the life of Christ to back it up, it is hard to deny that there is something supernatural at work in the Bible.
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Week #4 - November 7
Formation of the Canon & the Council Process
How do we know that our Bible is from God?
Fact: Delivering His Word to His people has been an ongoing blessing of God. He didn’t just inspire the original authors and then leave it to humanity to protect it through the ages. God was at work through the Church Fathers, the many ecumenical councils, and continues to work as His Word is translated and spread around the world today.
* Download the complete set of notes (.doc)
Week #5 - November 28
Biblical Claims & Conclusion
Why is the Bible important for us today?
Fact: There is no greater book in all of history than the Bible. It has led God’s people for thousands of years and is His Word to us today. It continues to be relevant to life’s issues and gives guidance for every situation. More than just an instruction manual, God’s Word is alive. It has accurately prophesied the future, silenced critics, and has stood the test of time. It holds the secrets of thriving in the world today and shares glimpses of the mysteries to come. God’s Word changes lives everyday.
* Download the complete set of notes (.doc)